You down there? Are you fine? I think I can hear you breathe. I think it is you sucking in the air and then it’s getting back out for the loop to continue. Endlessly. Or so I hope. You can hear me, right? I think I can hear you breathe. We are so close you must be able to hear me. I’m loud enough, louder than your breathing. Louder than the air you suck inside you just to gather something and then throw outside and keep doing it endlessly ever since you were born. I think I know, when I hear you breathe.
I know you can hear me, you always hear me. Even before I hear myself you hear me. Typical of you and your ears. Such weird things ears are, before meeting you I never thought much of them, but now sometimes I think about ears. They are like a whirlpool, anything and everything just keeps being pulled inside, silence - sound everything they gobble up. Even your breathing they gobble up. I am sure, I can hear you breathe.
Are you still down there? I know you are, there's nowhere else. I keep telling them that I can hear you. You haven't spoken but I can hear you breathe. I can hear your life. I know you are right here. If, if they'll just move this wall, and then the cloud of dust. You'll be there, you'll be everywhere but right now I know, you are down there. I have heard you breathe. Later,you'll be everywhere. But, then probably I'll end up breathing you and suck you out of the air.
From my heart, I'll carry you in my lungs. You can eat up all that I breathe. Then even in my breath I'll hear you breathe.