Where can I be safe?
Dear everyone!!!
I just wanted to know this one thing..!
This one question, I wanted an answer for…
When I go out, you tell me to be one my toes, be careful.
When I talk to people, you tell me to be suspicious about them.
When I wear clothes, you ask me to be covered properly.
When I stay late, you warn me that it’s dangerous.
Ok, then I’m the ideal girl. Will then I be safe?
I do household chores.
I have no male friends.
I don’t talk loudly.
I don’t laugh a lot.
You know the typical your achi ladki “good girl”. Then obviously whenever you’ll tell me, to who ever you ask to I’ll get married as well. Because that’s what a girl should do.
But then what?
If anyone else, anywhere touches me without my permission I can I can file a complaint. Then they will be in the wrong. Then my human rights will take action. They’ll get punished.
They harm me mentally or physically and though I would have suffered harm, still there’s a concept of justice served. That what they did to me is wrong. That I as a person got violated. Right?
Then, why, why, why?
Why once I get married to someone, my human rights cease to exist? Why do I no longer have access to justice. Let alone justice why and how did I lose access to myself in the first place. How come I am not longer a person?
All my life, you know I listened to you. I kept doing whatever you asked. I followed the path you showed me. Then, now you are telling me that I now have to stop being a human ? That now my body no longer belongs to me.
This person with whom I have to share not just house but a room and a bed as well for as per you for my whole life. What was the use of me struggling so hard to be safe? What was the meaning of me giving up so much just so someone won’t harm me. When now as an adult there’s this one person who has this access to me. Who can bypass every right I have and for whom I am no longer a human.
Then why did you put me up with all this charade? Why did you make me walk on eggshells all my life just for me to realize that no matter what even in front of law I’ll be just an object in front of someone. How do I keep my face straight? How do I follow this?
From almost all the harm someone else can cause there’s law which should / must protect me. That it at least can’t say it happened and it’s supposed to be like that.
How can you say, that there’s the wolf and you are the lamb. And that you Lam are supposed to be with the wolf and obviously you are now the wolf’s lamb so it can and will do whatever. If it breaks you too much or kills you only then will we intervene but nothing else.
Now now now!
It’s not me calling the one half lamb and other wolf. But, you all have been all my life. You have told me to be safe. You have asked me to be on my toes. That there are predators out side. That I should be always on high defense. Now suddenly, all I can do is live with this wolf ?
How this question came into existence? What’s the evidence of such crass happening? Well, terms like Marital rape. Cases of being forced upon in one way or other, being verbally, mentally abused and no way to get out of it. Specially the marital rape. How can the justice system say once you get married you are giving this one person access to you without any terms and conditions. That you have no longer any right on your own self.
And then you when I have kept myself safe and sound in the walls, behind the curtains. Even to the extent where I tried not to breath harder so that no one will notice my breath sounds or my moving body. And then suddenly I give this away? That I no longer am a human ?
That all this time, I felt a bit safe in the room shut, filled with your darkness, under the blankets and now I’m supposed to give this to someone who can not just abuse me but that this abuse will be justified in front of law?
How do you harm women so much?
Why do you wait women so much?
When did you decided to play this haunting game?
Where will I be safe with the predator in my own room?
How am I supposed to trust him, when we both know that this one right, one power the law and justice won’t count his crime as crime?
When will you consider both him and me HUMAN?