Fire with IceThe churning happening in my head as I keep turning in my bed. Half awake half alive thinking of everything but my life.Nov 1, 2024Nov 1, 2024
The story of the four-eyed pigThe story of the four-eyed pig who was followed by the crimson river.Sep 6, 2024Sep 6, 2024
Where can I be safe?That all this time, I felt a bit safe in the room shut, filled with your darkness, under the blankets and now I’m supposed to give this to…May 26, 20242May 26, 20242
Why doesn’t it leave me?So, in Hindi we call ghosts, Bhoot. The same word “bhoot” is also used for the past. Now I understand why.Apr 23, 2024Apr 23, 2024
Growing In InfernoMy thoughts on canto !3 of Divine Comedy (Inferno). On suicide and suicide survivors.Apr 12, 2024Apr 12, 2024